District 8 Bibliography

IDOT Archaeological Bibliography

District 8 mapDistrict 8


COUNTIES: Greene, Calhoun, Jersey, Madison, Bond, St. Clair, Clinton, Monroe, Washington, Randolph.


Abbott, Larry R.
1989  Archaeological Investigations at the Wooded Site (11-Ms-587), Madison County, Illinois. Research Reports 35, Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Ahler, Steven R.
1978  Report on Excavations Undertaken at the House-Reese Site (11-Ms-464) on Illinois Route 162 (FAP-586) and CH-35, Madison County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1978  Report on Excavations Undertaken at Site 11-Ct-280, on FAP Route 409, Clinton County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1978  Report on Excavations Undertaken at Site 11-Ct-95 on FAP 409, Clinton County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Alt, Susan
1999  Spindle Whorls and Fiber Production at Early Cahokian Settlements. Southeastern Archaeology 18:124–133.

Anderson, Cynthia
1981  Final Report of Investigations at the Alorton Site (11-S-31). FAI-270 Archaeological Mitigation Project Report 37, Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

1982  Archaeological Explorations of the Alorton Historic Site (11-S-331), St. Clair County, Illinois. Master's Thesis, Department of History, Illinois State University, Normal.

Atwell, Karen, and Kenneth B. Farnsworth
1999  Crimson Circle Mounds: Late Woodland Ritual and Settlement Patterns at the Confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers. Illinois Archaeology 11:80–148.

Bareis, Charles J.
1964  Meander Loops and the Cahokia Site. American Antiquity 30:89–91.

1968  Report on Salvage Work Undertaken at the Faust Site (s-69) on FAI 64, St. Clair County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1969  Report on Preliminary Site Examination Undertaken at the Haier Site (Wg-18) on FAI 64, Washington County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1971  Report on Salvage Work Undertaken at the Diekemper Site (Ct-91) on FAI-64, Clinton County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1972  Reports on Preliminary Site Examinations Undertaken at the Holliday No. 2 Site (S-68) and the Lienesch Site (S-67) on FAI 64, St. Clair County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1972  Report on Preliminary Site Examination Undertaken at the Richter Site (S-229) on FAI-64, St. Clair County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1976  The Knoebel Site, St. Clair County, Illinois. Circular 1, Illinois Archaeological Survey, Urbana.

Bareis, Charles J., and Patrick J. Munson
1973  The Linkeman Site (Ms-108), Madison County, Illinois. In Late Woodland Archaeology in Illinois, edited by J.A. Brown, pp. 23–33. Bulletin 9, Illinois Archaeological Survey, Urbana.

Bareis, Charles J., and James W. Porter (Editors)
1984  American Bottom Archaeology: A Summary of the FAI-270 Project Contribution to the Cultural History of the Mississippi River Valley. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Reviewed: Richard M. Jefferies, American Antiquity 51(2); James A. Brown, American Anthropologist 88(2); Patricia J. O'Brien, Plains Anthropologist 1985(Part 1); James B. Stoltman, The Quarterly Review of Archaeology,Winter, 1987.

Bareis, Charles J., and James W. Porter
1984  Research Design. In American Bottom Archaeology, edited by Charles J. Bareis and James W. Porter, pp. 1–14. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Bartram, Lisanne, and Tryge Widen
1981  Archaeological Test Excavations at the Baum Branch Site (JY 209) on FAP Route 91, Jersey County, Illinois. Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.

Bender, Marilyn J., and Paul A. Webb
1983  Archaeological Investigations at the Roos Site, St. Clair County, Illinois. Research Paper 43, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Bentz, Charles
1988  The Rosewood Phase Occupation at the Leingang Site. In Late Woodland Sites in the American Bottom Uplands, edited by C. Bentz, D. L. McElrath, F.A. Finney, and R.B. Lacampagne, pp. 17–74. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 18. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

1988  The Rosewood Occupation at the Alpha 1 Site. In Late Woodland Sites in the American Bottom Uplands, edited by C. Bentz, D.L. McElrath, F.A. Finney, and R.B. Lacampagne, pp. 107–140. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 18, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

1988  The Patrick Phase Occupation at the Columbia Farms Site. In Late Woodland Sites in the American Bottom Uplands, edited by C. Bentz, D.L. McElrath, F.A. Finney, and R.B. Lacampagne, pp. 209–262. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 18, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Bentz, Charles, Dale L. McElrath, Fred A. Finney, and Richard B. Lacampagne
1988  Late Woodland Sites in the American Bottom Uplands. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 18. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Reviewed: Carol Morrow, American Antiquity 55(3).

Berres, Thomas E.
1995  The Cass Site. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Bodner, Connie C., and Ralph M. Rowlett
1980  Separation of Bone, Charcoal, and Seeds by Chemical Flotation. American Antiquity 45:110–116.

Boone, Dan, and Andrew C. Fortier
1997  The New Mississippi River Crossing, FAP 999, Madison County, Illinois, Phase I Archaeological and Documentation Investigations. Research Reports 55, Illinois Transportation Archaeological Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Booth, Donald L.
2001  The Center Grove Site: A Nearly Invisible Early Mississippian Mortuary Facility in the Uplands of Madison County, Illinois. Illinois Archaeology 13:36–56.

Carlson, David L., and Charles R. Smith
1980  Report on Excavations at the Thin Man Site (S-647) on FAI Route 270, St. Clair County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

Denny, Sidney G.
1976  A Report of Archaeological Inventory Reconnaissance for the Proposed Richland Creek Flood Abatement Project in the Vicinity of Belleville, Illinois. Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.

Denny, Sidney G., Kenneth R. Williams, and William I. Woods
1977  A Report of Test Excavations conducted by Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville at Four Archaeological Sites on the Right-of-Way of FAI-270. Department of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.

Douglas, John G.
1970  Report on Preliminary Examination Undertaken at the Heimann Site (Ct-18) on FAI 64, Clinton County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Duncan, John C., and Richard B. Lacampagne
1982  Final Report on Archaeological Investigations at the Camp Jackson Site (11-S-690). Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Emerson, Thomas E.
1982  Mississippian Stone Images in Illinois. Circular 6, Illinois Archaeological Survey, Urbana.

1984  The Dyroff and Levin Sites. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol.9. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

1989  Water Serpents and the Underworld: An Exploration into Cahokian Symbolism. In The Southeastern Ceremonial Complex: Artifacts and Analysis, edited by Patricia Galloway, pp. 45–92. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

1992  The Mississippian Dispersed Village as a Social and Environmental Strategy. In Late Prehistoric Agriculture: Observations From the Midwest, edited by William I. Woods, pp. 198–216. Studies in Illinois Archaeology 8, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.

1995  Settlement, Symbolism, and Hegemony in the Cahokia Countryside. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

1997  Reflections from the Countryside on Cahokia Hegemony. In Cahokia:Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World, edited by T.R. Pauketat and T.E. Emerson, pp. 167–189. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

1997  Cahokia Elite Ideology and the Mississippian Cosmos. In Cahokia:Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World, edited by T.R. Pauketat and T.E. Emerson, pp. 190-228. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

1997  Cahokia and the Archaeology of Power. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

2000  Strangers in Paradise: Recognizing Ethnic Mortuary Diversity on the  Fringes of Cahokia. Southeastern Archaeology 19:1–23.

2000  The Mississippian Period. Illinois Antiquity 35(3):11–12.

2002  An Introduction to Cahokia 2002: Diversity, Complexity, and History. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 27(2):127–148.

2003  Crossing Boundaries Between Worlds: Changing Beliefs and Mortuary Practices at Cahokia. In A Deep-Time Perspective: Studies in Symbols, Meaning, and the Archaeological Record, edited by J. Richards and M. Fowler. The Wisconsin Archeologist 84(1 & 2):73–80.

2003  Materializing Cahokia Shamans. Southeastern Archaeology 22(2):135–154.

2004  Mississippian Culture. In Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History,  Senior Editor, William H. McNeill. Berkshire Publishing Group, Great  Barrington, MA. In press.

Emerson, Thomas E., and Andrew C. Fortier
1986  Early Woodland Cultural Variation, Subsistence, and Settlement in the American Bottom. In Early Woodland Archeology, edited by Kenneth B. Farnsworth and Thomas E. Emerson, pp. 475–522. Center for American Archeology Press, Kampsville.

Emerson, Thomas E., and Eve Hargrave
2000  Strangers in Paradise? Recognizing Ethnic Mortuary Diversity on the Fringes of Cahokia. Southeastern Archaeology 19:1–23.

Emerson, Thomas E., Eve Hargrave, and Kristin M. Hedman
2003  Death and Ritual in Early Rural Cahokia. In Theory, Method, and Practice in Modern Archaeology, edited by R. J. Jeske, and D. K. Charles, pp. 163–181. Praeger, Westport, Connecticut.

Emerson, Thomas E., and Randall E. Hughes
2000  Figurines, Flint Clay Sourcing, the Ozark Highlands, and Cahokian Acquisition. American Antiquity 65:79–101.

2001  De-Mything the Cahokia Catlinite Trade. Plains Anthropologist 46(176):149–161.

Emerson, Thomas E., Randall E. HughesMary R. Hynes, and Sarah U. Wisseman
2002  Implications of Sourcing the Cahokia-Style Flint Clay Figures in the American Bottom and the Upper Mississippi River Valley Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 27(2):309–338.

2003  The Sourcing and Interpretation of Cahokia-Style Figures in the Trans-Mississippi South and Southeast. American Antiquity 68(2):287–314.

Emerson, Thomas E., and Douglas K. Jackson
1984  The BBB Motor Site. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 6, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

1987  The Marcus Site. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 17, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

1987  The Edelhardt and Lindeman Phases: Setting the Stage for the Final Transition to Mississippian in the American Bottom. In The Emergent Mississippian: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Mid-South Conference, edited by Richard Marshall, pp.172–193. Occasional Papers 87, Cobb Institute of Archaeology, Mississippi State University, Columbus.

Emerson, Thomas E., and Dale L. McElrath
1983  A Settlement-Subsistence Model of the Terminal Late Archaic Adaptation in the American Bottom, Illinois. In, Archaic Hunters and Gatherers in the American Midwest, edited by James L. Phillips and James A. Brown, pp. 219–242. Academic Press, New York.

2001  Interpreting Discontinuity and Historical Process in Midcontinential Late Archaic and Early Woodland Societies. In The Archaeology of Traditions: Agency and History Before and After Columbus, edited by T.R. Pauketat, pp. 195–217. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Emerson, Thomas E., Dale L. McElrath, and Joyce A. Williams
1986  Patterns Of Hunter-Gatherer Mobility and Sedentism During the Archaic Period in the American Bottom. In Foraging, Collecting, and Harvesting: Archaic Period Subsistence and Settlement in the Eastern Woodlands, edited by Sarah W. Neusius, pp. 240–266. Occasional Paper 6, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Emerson, Thomas E., George R. Milner, and Douglas K. Jackson
1983  The Florence Street Site. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 2, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Emerson, Thomas E., and Timothy Pauketat R.
2002  Embodying Power and Resistance at Cahokia. In The Dynamics of Power edited by M. O'Donovan, pp. 105–125. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper No. 30. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Emerson, Thomas E., and John A. Walthall
2006  Building on the Past: The Archeology of Large-Scale Transportation- Related Corridors. In Landscapes Under Pressure: Theory and Practice of Cultural Heritage Research and Preservation edited by Ludomir Lozny, pp. 163–180. Springer Press, New York.

Emerson, Thomas E., Joyce A. Williams, and Paula G. Cross
1991  Late Archaic Cultures on the Northern Periphery of the Mid-South. In The Archaic Period in the Mid-South, edited by Charles McNutt, pp. 15–22. Archaeological Report 24, Mississippi Department of Archives, Jackson.

Esarey, Duane
1980  The Joan Carrie Site (11-Mo-663). FAI-270 Archaeological Mitigation Report 35. Western Illinois University, Macomb.

Esarey, Duane, and Sissel Johannessen
1994  The Joan Carrie Site: A Short-term Patrick and Dohack Phase Occupation on the American Bottom Bluff Edge. Illinois Archaeology 6:58–97.

Esarey, Duane, and Charles Moffat
1980  Final Report on the Investigation of Three Archaeological Sites in Luhr Brother's Borrow Pit #4. Monroe County, Illinois. Archaeological Research Laboratory, Western Illinois University, Macomb.

Esarey, Duane and Timothy R. Pauketat
1992  The Lohmann Site: An Early Mississippian Center in the American Bottom. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 25, University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Reviewed: Lynne P. Sullivan, American Antiquity 59(4).

Esarey, Mark E.
1981  Report of Archaeological Testing at the Drews Site, (11-S-701), in FAI-270 Borrow Pit 6, Extension 1, St. Clair County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

1981  Report of Archaeological Reconnaissance at FAI-270 Borrow Pit 12, Extension 2. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

1982  An Archaeological, Geographical, and Historical Comparison of Eleven Nineteenth-Century Archaeological Sites Near Belleville. Master's thesis, Illinois State University, Normal.

1983  Report of Archaeological Testing at the East St. Louis Stone Quarry (11-S-468) and the Labras Lake (11-S-299) Sites in FAI-255 Borrow Pit 32, St. Clair County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

1984  Historic Period. In American Bottom Archaeology, edited by Charles J. Bareis and James W. Porter, pp. 187–196. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Esarey, Mark E., and David L. Carlson
1980  Report on Pedestrian Reconnaissance of the Proposed SIU-E Connector Road in Madison County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

Esarey, Mark E., and David C. Dycus
1981  Report of Reconnaissance Survey and Testing for Illinois Department of Transportation Project FAI-270 Borrow Pit 29 in St. Clair County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

Esarey, Mark E., and Martin K. Nickels
1981  Report of Archaeological Reconnaissance at FAI 270 Borrow Pit #37, St. Clair County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

Evans, J. Bryant
1996  Buried Paleoindian and Early Archaic Components at the Compensatory Basin North Site (11-Ms-1348) in the American Bottom, Madison County, Illinois. Current Research in the Pleistocene 13:15–17.

Evans, J. Bryant, Madeleine G. Evans, and Edwin R. Hajic
1997  Paleoindian and Early Archaic Occupations at the CB-North Site, Madison County, Illinois. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 22:159–196.

Evans, J. Bryant, Madeleine G. Evans, Mary Simon, and Thomas E. Berres
2000  Ringering: A Multicomponent Site in the American Bottom. Illinois Transportation Research Program, Research Reports 59, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Finney, Fred Austin
1981  Carbon Dioxide Site: Late Woodland and Early Mississippian Occupations on the American Bottom in Southwestern Illinois. Master's Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1985  The Carbon Dioxide Site. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 11, University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Reviewed: Robert E. Pace, American Antiquity 53(1).

1993  Spatially Isolated Structures in the Cahokia Locality: Short-Term Residences or Special-Purpose Shelters. Illinois Archaeology 5:381–392.

Finney, Fred A., and Charles Bentz
1988  The Mund Phase Occupation at the Columbia Quarry Site. In Late Woodland Sites in the American Bottom Uplands, edited by C. Bentz, D.L. McElrath, F.A. Finney, and R.B. Lacampagne, pp. 141–168. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 18. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Fortier, Andrew C.
1980  Final Report on Phase II Excavations at the Fiege Site (11-Mo-609). Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1983  Settlement and Subsistence at the Go-Kart North Site: A Late Archaic Titterington Occupation in the American Bottom, Illinois. In, Archaic Hunters and Gatherers in the American Midwest, edited by James L. Phillips and James A. Brown, pp. 243–260. Academic Press, New York.

1984  The Go-Kart North Site. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 7, University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Reviewed: Neal Trubowitz, American Antiquity 51(4).

1985  The Robert Schneider Site. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 11, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

1985  Selected Sites in the Hill Lake Locality. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 13, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

1993  American Bottom House Types of the Archaic and Woodland Periods: An Overview. Illinois Archaeology 5:260–275.

1996  The Marge Site: Late Archaic and Emergent Mississippian Occupations inthe Palmer Creek Locality. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 27, University of Illinois Press, Champaign. Reviewed: Brad Logan, American Antiquity 63(2).

1998  Pre-Mississippian Economies in the American Bottom of Southwestern Illinois, 3000 B.C.–A.D. 1050. Research in Economic Anthropology 19:341–392.

2001  A Tradition of Discontinuity: American Bottom Early and Middle Woodland Culture History Reexamined. In The Archaeology of Traditions: Agency and History Before and After Columbus, edited by Timothy R. Pauketat, pp. 174–194. University Press of Florida.

2004  The Petite Michele Site: An Early Middle Woodland Occupation in the American Bottom. Transportation Archaeological Research Report Volume 19. Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

2006  The Land Between Two Traditions: Middle Woodland Societies of the American Bottom. In Recreating Hopewell, edited by Douglas K. Charles and Jane E. Buikstra, pp. 328–338. University Press of Florida.

2006  Summary of Potential Historic Resources Impact in the Proposed  IDOT I-64/I-55/70 Tri-level and I-64 Connector Areas of the New  Mississippi River Bridge Crossing Project, East St. Louis, St. Clair  County. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Report No. 106.  Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program, University of Illinois at  Urbana-Champaign.

Fortier, Andrew C., Thomas E. Emerson, and Fred A. Finney
1984  Early Woodland and Middle Woodland Periods. In American Bottom Archaeology, edited by Charles J. Bareis and James W. Porter, pp. 59–103. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Fortier, Andrew C., Thomas E. Emerson, and Dale L. McElrath
2006  Calibrating and Reassessing American Bottom Culture History. Southeastern Archaeology. In Press.

Fortier, Andrew C., Thomas E. Emerson, and Kathryn E. Parker
1998  The Meyer Site: A Terminal Late Archaic Residential Camp in the American Bottom. Illinois Archaeology 10:195–228.

Fortier, Andrew C., Fred A. Finney, and Richard B. Lacampagne
1983  The Mund Site. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 5, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Fortier, Andrew C., and S. Ghosh
2000  The Bos Medio Site: A Hopewellian Campsite in the American Bottom Uplands. Illinois Archaeology 12.

Fortier, Andrew C., and Douglas K. Jackson
2000  The Formation of a Late Woodland Heartland in the American Bottom, cal A.D. 650–900. In Late Woodland Societies: Tradition and Transformation Across the Midcontinent, edited by T.E. Emerson, D.L. McElrath, and A.C. Fortier, pp. 123–148. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

Fortier, Andrew C. and Michael Kolb
2005  Archaeological and Geomorphological Documentation and  Investigations Pertaining to the Proposed New River Bridge  Crossing (NMRC) Project. Illinois Transportation Archaeological  Research Report No. 105. Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program,  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Fortier, Andrew C., Richard B. Lacampagne, and Fred A. Finney
1984  The Fish Lake Site. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 8, University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Reviewed: David S. Brose, American Antiquity 51(2).

Fortier, Andrew C., Thomas O. Maher, and Joyce A. Williams
1991  The Sponemann Site: The Formative Emergent Mississippian Sponemann Phase Occupations. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 23, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Fortier, Andrew C., Thomas O. Maher, Joyce A. Williams, Michael C. Meinkoth, Kathryn E. Parker, and Lucretia S. Kelly
1989  The Holding Site: A Hopewell Community in the American Bottom. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 19, University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Reviewed: C. Russell Stafford, American Antiquity 56(2); Dan F. Morse, Plains Anthropologist 36(133); William Green, Wisconsin Archeologist 70(3).

Foster, Jill
1983  Report of Archaeological Reconnaissance and Preliminary Testing of 11-S-707 and 11-S-708, St. Clair County, FAS 1937 (Bridge over Ogle Creek) Project. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Foster, Jill, and Melissa Records
1984  Archaeological Investigations at the Cannon Hill Site (11-S-691), FAI 270, St. Clair County, Illinois. Research Reports 11, Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Fowler, Melvin L.
1963  American Bottom Archaeology, July 1, 1962–June 30, 1963. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

1964  Third Annual Report: American Bottom Archaeology, July 1, 1963–June 30, 1964. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Fowler, Melvin L., Charles Bareis, Donald Lathrap, Brian Carss, Joseph Vogel, Warren Wittry, James Porter, and James Schoenwetter
1962  American Bottom Archaeology, July 1, 1961–June 30, 1962. Illinois Archaeological Survey, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Galloy, Joseph M.
2002  Late Woodland Settlement Dynamics and Social Interaction in the American Bottom Uplands, A.D. 650–900. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge.

2004  Late Woodland Effigy Vessels from the American Bottom. Illinois Antiquity 39(3):10–13.

Gladfelter, Bruce G.
1980  Investigations at the Labras Lake Site, Volume II -- Geomorphology. Department of Geography, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle.

Gladfelter, Bruce G., Bruce Weston, and James L. Phillips
1977  FAI 270 Archaeological Mitigation Project, Part I, Report of the Investigations at the East St. Louis (11-S-468) and Labras Lake (11-S-299) Sites, St. Clair County, Illinois. University of Illinois, Chicago Circle.

Griffin, James B.
1984  A Historical Perspective. In American Bottom Archaeology, edited by C.J. Bareis and J.W. Porter, pp. xv–xviii. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

1984  Observations on the FAI-270 Project. In American Bottom Archaeology, edited by C.J. Bareis and J.W. Porter, pp. 253–262. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Gums, Bonnie L.
1988  Archaeological Investigations at the Cahokia Wedge Site, St. Clair County, Illinois. In Historic Archaeology in Illinois, edited by C.L. Rohrbaugh and T.E. Emerson, pp. 201–226. Research Report 8, Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

1988  Archaeology at French Colonial Cahokia. Studies in Illinois Archaeology 3, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.

1993  Phase I and Phase II Archaeological Investigations at the Hartmann Site, 11-Ms-1417, Madison County, Illinois. Contract Archaeology Program, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.

1994  Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment for Proposed Illinois Route 3 (FAP 14) Improvements, St. Clair and Madison Counties, Illinois. Office of Contract Archaeology, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.

1994  Archaeological Investigations At Three 19th Century Sites Along the Kaskaskia Trail in Monroe County, Illinois. Office of Contract Archaeology, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.

Gums, Bonnie L., and Charles Witty
2000  A Glimpse of Village Life at Nouvelle Chartres. Illinois Archaeology 12.

Hall, Robert L.
1964  Phase 3 Site Excavation Report, Project I-70-1(58)4, Cahokia Site, Madison County, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.

Hanenberger, Ned
1990  The Olszewski Site (11-S-465). In Selected Early Mississippian Household Sites in the American Bottom, edited by D.K. Jackson and N.H. Hanenberger, pp. 253–423. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 22, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

1990  The Karol Rekas Site (11-Ms-1255). In Selected Early Mississippian Household Sites in the American Bottom, edited by D.K. Jackson and N.H. Hanenberger, pp. 425–509. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 22, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Hargrave, Eve, and Kristin M. Hedman
2001  The Halliday Site Investigations into Early Mississippian Mortuary Behavior. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Report No. 50. Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Hargrave, Eve, Kristin M. Hedman, and Rebecca Wolf
2006  Isolated Human Burial at the Kaskaskia Mine Site 11R687 Randolph County IllinoisIllinois Transportation Archaeological Research Report No. 104. Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Hargrave, Michael L.
1982  Archaeological Investigations at the Bluff Shadow Site, Monroe County, Illinois. Research Paper 31, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Hawks, Preston
1985  Report of Supplemental Phase I Documentation and Survey and Phase II Archaeological Testing at Selected Sites for the Proposed FAP-413 Highway Project, Madison County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

Hawks, Preston A., David L. Miller, Joseph S. Phillippe, and A. Rose Schildt
1985  Report of Phase II Archaeological Reconnaissance and Histoical Investigation of FAP 409 Highway Corridor, St. Clair, Clinton, and Marion Counties. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.

Hedman, Kristin M.
2002  Isolated Human Burials at the Fingers Site (11S333 West) St. Clair County IllinoisIllinois Transportation Archaeological Research Report No. 84. Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Hedman, Kristin M., and Eve Hargrave
1999  Hill Prairie Mound The Osteology of a Late Middle Mississippian Mortuary Population. Transportation Archaeological Research Report No. 6. Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Hedman, Kristin M., and Douglas K. Jackson
2006  Archaeological Investigations at the Kendall Hill Site (11MS93). Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Report No. 51. Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.

Hendrickson, Carl F., Theresa J. Cartmell, and John E. Kelly
1977  The Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed FAP-409 Alignment in St. Clair, Clinton, and Marion Counties. Illinois Archaeological Survey, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Higgins, Michael J.
1984  The Olszewski Site, St. Clair County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1990  The Nochta Site: The Early, Middle, and Late Archaic Occupations. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports 21, University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Reviewed: Susana Katz and Michael Wiant, Plains Anthropologist 36(135).

Holley, George R.
1993  Observations Regarding Sedentism in Central Silver Creek and the Enduring Significance of the FAI-64 Archaeological Mitigation Project. Illinois Archaeology 5:276–284.

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