IDOT Archaeological Bibliography
District 3
COUNTIES: LaSalle, Kendall, Grundy, Kankakee, Putnam, Marshall, Woodford, Livingston, McLean, Ford, Iroquois.
Bareis, Charles J.
1960 Preliminary Report of Phase 3 Excavations at the Alger Site, Ls-39, on FA 178, LaSalle County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
1960 Preliminary Reports of Phase II Excavations at Sites Ls-46, Ls-47, and Ls-48 on FAI 80 in LaSalle County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Bluhm, Elaine A.
1960 Report on Phase 3 Salvage Excavations at Ls-15, FAS Route 256, LaSalle County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Christenson, Andrew L.
1988 Test Excavations at an Upland Prairie Depression, LaSalle County, Illinois. Wisconsin Archaeologist 69:334–346.
Ferguson, Jacqueline A., and Robert E. Warren
1992 Prairie Archaeology Volume II: Prehistoric Occupations Along Interstate-39 in North Central Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
1992 Chert Resources of Northern Illinois: Discriminant Analysis and an Identification Key. Illinois Archaeology 4(1):1–37.
1993 Artifact Distribution and Chert Use at the Barton-Milner Site: A Middle Archaic Occupation in North-Central Illinois. Illinois Archaeology 5:130–140.
Fishel, Richard L., Rhett B. Felix, and James M. Pisell
2005 Executive Summary for IL Route 29 and IL Route 29 Addendum Phase I Archaeological Surveys in Peoria, Marshall, Putnam, and Bureau Counties, Illinois. Illinois Transportation Research Report No. 90. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Groover, Mark D., and Melanie A. Cabak
1992 Phase II Archaeological Investigation for the Bloomington-Normal Runway Extension, McLean County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Gums, Bonnie L., Eva Dodge Mounce, and Floyd R. Mansberger
1997 The Kirkpatricks' Potteries in Illinois: A Family Tradition.Transportation Archaeological Research Reports 3, Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program, University of Illinois, Urbana. Reviewed: Linda Carnes-McNaughton, Historical Archaeology 34(2).
Hackbarth, Mark
1982 Limited Archeological Investigations at the R. Dick Site (KE-11), Kendall County, Illinois. Contract Archeology Program, Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.
Madrigal, T. Cregg
1991 Historic Sites Zooarchaeology in Central Illinois: Evidence from the FAP-412 Highway Project. In Landscape, Architecture, and Artifacts, edited by Eric K. Schroeder, pp.136–151. Illinois Cultural Resources Study 15, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.
Mansberger, Floyd
1982 Report of the Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Iroquois River-Sugar Creek Levee System, Iroquois County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
1982 Report of Historic Site Reconnaissance Survey for US 34, LaSalle County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Mansberger, Floyd, Gabriel Hagmann, and David Halpin
1996 Historical Archaeological Investigations at Three Historic Sites Along FAP 673 (Illinois Route 116), Woodford County, Illinois. Fever River Research, Springfield.
Savini, James F.
1985 Report on the 1977 Archaeological Reconnaissance and Testing of FAP 412, A Supplemental Freeway Extending from I-80 in LaSalle County to I-55/74 in McLean County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Schroeder, Eric K.
1991 Brother Farmer . . . Build You a Cistern: A Comparison of Cistern Construction Methods as Revealed in the Historical and Archaeological Records. In Landscape, Architecture, and Artifacts, edited by Eric K. Schroeder, pp. 103–119. Illinois Cultural Resources Study 15, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.
Schroeder, Eric K., and Robert E. Warren
1992 Prairie Archaeology, Volume III: Historic Occupations Along Interstate-39 in North Central Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Thomas, Frederick S.
1986 Report of Archaeological Testing at the Morton Farmstead Site (11-Li-112), FAI 55, Livingston County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Warren, Robert E.
1992 Prairie Archaeology, Volume I, Environment and Human Settlement along Interstate-39 in North Central Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
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