In November 1990, with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), compliance procedures were established between the IDOT, IHPA and FHWA. The MOU required the establishment of a list of structures with historic significance to be called the Historic Bridge Survey (HBS). Some 350 bridges were included in the initial HBS, and these structures were to be divided then into “primary” and “secondary” examples of the various bridge types.
Managed and maintained by the Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS), the CRM Archaeological Report Archive Project is a joint intergovernmental program of the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), the University of Illinois (UIUC), and the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois.
This project asssisted ISAS in organizing our large collection from the World Heritage Cahokia site that includes materials from some of the earliest work at this mound center under U of I researchers A.R. Kelly and W. Moorehead in the 1930s as well as major excavations by long-time U of I professor Charles J. Bareis.