5th Science and Archaeology Symposium
Friday, February 23rd, 2018 – 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
I Hotel and Conference Center
1900 South First Street, Champaign, Illinois
The Science in Archaeology Symposium will be hosted by the Illinois State Archaeological Survey’s Program on Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials (ATAM), Prairie Research Institute. This one-day conference will be held 8:30 AM–4:30 PM, Friday, February 23, 2018 at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign, IL.
The Science and Archaeology Symposium is a biennial meeting that provides an opportunity for students and professionals in archaeology and other fields to share innovative research that addresses early technologies or that applies scientific techniques to the study of prehistoric and historic materials. Research and applications include archaeometry, isotope analysis, ancient DNA analysis, paleobotany, ancient textiles, geoarchaeology, chemical analysis, spatial analysis, and imaging technologies—among others.
The symposium is open to the public and the campus community is encouraged to attend any of the presentations. Pre-registration is encouraged to help with planning and space accommodations.
Pre-Registration is free and still open here.
Paper/Poster submissions are now closed. Download the program here.
Note for Presenters: Fifteen-minute oral presentations. Posters with archaeometric research either new or prepared within the past two years are also welcome. ATAM and ISAS will provide projection equipment and poster display materials for presenters.
For more information:
Contact Dr. Kristin Hedman, Associate Director, ATAM Program, Illinois State Archaeological Survey at atam@illinois.edu or 217-607-5283.