The Archaeobotany office studies botanical remains recovered from archaeological sites identified in conjunction with IDOT environmental impact surveys.
The Bioarchaeology office fulfills the Survey’s responsibilities in instances where human remains are encountered that are subject to the Illinois State Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act (20 ILCS 3440 et seq.).
The Ceramics office is responsible for the analysis and interpretation of Native American ceramic assemblages from archaeological sites in Illinois, primarily those recovered during projects done in coordination with IDOT.
The Faunal office is responsible for the identification, analysis, and interpretation of prehistoric and historic faunal assemblages from archaeological sites across Illinois.
Archaeological geophysics explores the potential archaeology of an area with instruments that create maps of properties of the subsoil, including archaeological remains.
The GIS office provides geospatial support and database management for ISAS, as well as technical guidance to field archaeologists relating to use of GPS receivers and Electronic Total Stations.
The Historics office identifies, evaluates, and documents historic period archaeological resources from sites throughout Illinois.
The Lithics office documents archaeological materials made of stone and other minerals from Illinois sites.
The Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials program (ATAM) is the research arm of the Archaeological Survey (ISAS).