
Field Notes

Each month FIELD NOTES highlights the archaeological fieldwork from the Illinois State Archaeological Survey’s field stations.

Illinois Insight: Archaeology



Summer Cultural Preservation Internship Opportunity

The Illinois State Archaeological Survey, in partnership with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, is pleased to announce paid summer internships available to interested Tribal members. These paid positions ($15.30/hr) are available for 2–8 week periods, depending on the availability of interested individuals. Work will involve moderate physical exertion outdoors under sometimes challenging conditions. No experience is necessary; you must be 18 years of age. Work will be conducted in Cook County, and lodging, per diem, or transportation is not available. Interested? Questions? To learn more, contact Dr. Thomas J. Loebel (tjl2@illinois.edu) at the Illinois State Archaeological Survey.


Ask an Archaeologist

Do you have an artifact that you would like to know more about? Would you like to add to the archaeological record of Illinois? Now you can Ask an Archaeologist for more information by filling out a simple form.


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