IDOT Archaeological Bibliography
District 7
COUNTIES: Fayette, Effingham, Jasper, Crawford, Lawrence, Wabash, Edwards, White, Hamilton, Wayne, Jefferson, Marion, Clay, Richland.
Alexandrowicz, J. Stephen
1980 Recent Archaeological Investigations at Effingham County Airport. In Recent Archaeological Investigations at the Greater Peoria and Effingham County Airports, by Thomas E. East and J. Stephen Alexandrowicz, pp. 137–336. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Alvey, Richard L.
1988 Archaeological Investigations at the Copple Site (11-Mr-53), Marion County, Illinois. Research Reports 30, Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Berres, Thomas E.
1982 Report of Archaeological Investigations of the Bob Mills Site (11-Cy-89) CH 17 Borrow Pit, Clay County, Illinois. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
1982 Archaeological Investigations of a Late Archaic Site, 11-Wh-153, White County, Illinois. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
1983 Archaeological Investigations at the Snow Site (11-Fy-93), Fayette County, Illinois. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Flesher, William, and Karen Powell
1993 Gunflints from Hutsonville: A Study in Historic Lithic Technology. Illinois Archaeology 5:549–557.
Gardner, William M.
1965 Preliminary Report of Phase 2 Excavations at Sites Fy-39 and Fy-40 on FAI-70 in Fayette County, Illinois. Illinois Archaeology Survey, University of Illinois, Urbana.
1965 Preliminary Report of Phase 3 Excavations at the IAS Site FY-40 on FAI-70 in Fayette County, Illinois. Illinois Archaeology Survey, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Gillihan, James E., and William J. Beeson
1960 The Gamble Site. In Indian Mounds and Villages of Illinois, edited by E. A. Bluhm, pp. 31-70. Bulletin 2, Illinois Archaeological Survey, Urbana.
Hargrave, Michael L., Gerald A. Oetelaar, Neal H. Lopinot, Brian M. Butler, and Deborah A. Billings
1983 The Bridges Site (11-Mr-11): A Late Prehistoric Settlement in the Central Kaskaskia Valley. Research Paper 38, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Reviewed: C. Wesley Cowan, Southeastern Archaeology 4(1); R. Barry Lewis, North American Archaeologist 8(4).
Higgins, Michael J.
1984 Archaeological Investigations at the Liberty Creek Site (11-Fy-113) Fayette County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Ingalls, Marlin R.
1985 Preliminary Report on Phase II Archaeological Testing for Illinois Department of Transportation Project TR 337, Wayne County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Program, Illinois State University, Normal.
Jackson, Douglas K.
1982 Report of Archaeological Investigations of 11-Mr-17 at Borrow Pit #2, U.S. 51 Project, Marion County, Illinois. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Mazrim, Robert
1999 Keeping Accounts: Archaeology and Retail Activity at the Town of Hutsonville, Illinois, 1832–1849. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Melbye, F. Jerome
1964 Bodine No. 2, A Small Woodland Site. Archaeological Salvage Report 19, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.
1965 The Bodine No. 1 Site. Archaeological Salvage Report 22, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.
Munson, Cheryl Ann
1968 Report on Preliminary Site Examination Undertaken at the Dismal Creek Site (Fy-70) on FAI 57, Fayette County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Oetetar, Gerald A.
1987 The Archaeological Study of Settlement Structure: An Illinois Mississippian Example. PhD dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
1993 Identifying Site Structure in the Archaeological Record: An Illinois Mississippian Example. American Antiquity 58:662–687.
Penny, James S.
1980 Archaeological Testing on the St. Valentine Site, Jp-16, Jasper County, Illinois. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
1985 Archaeological Investigations in Highway Construction Borrow Pits in Marion and Monroe Counties, Illinois. Research Paper 50, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
Phillippe, Joseph S.
1985 Report of the Historical Archaeological Survey of the FA Route 779 -- Wabash River Bridge Project, Hutsonville, Crawford County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Records, Melissa A.
1983 Report of Archaeological Reconnaissance and Testing of 11-Fy-113, FAS 721 Project, Fayette County, Illinois. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Van Hoy, Thomas P.
1978 An Archaeological Assessment of the Robeson Hills Rest Area, Lawrence County, Illinois. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
Wagner, Mark J.
1991 Squatters, Speculators, Improvers, and Settlers: An Examination of Frontier Settlement (1811-1830) in Marion County, Illinois. In Landscape, Architecture, and Artifacts: Historical Archaeology of Nineteenth Century Illinois, edited by Eric K. Schroeder, pp. 22–38. Illinois Cultural Resources Study 15, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.
Wagner, Mark J., and Mary R. McCorvie
1992 The Archaeology of the Old Landmark, Nineteenth-Century Taverns Along the St. Louis-Vincennes Trace in Southern Illinois. Center for American Archeology Press, Kampsville.
1994 The Archaeology of Frontier Taverns on the St. Louis-Vincennes Trace. Popular Series 11, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Wagner, Mark J., Mary R. McCorvie, and Jane K. Johnston
1990 Phase II Archaeological Investigations at the Halfway Tavern (11-Mr-58) and Joshua Piles (11-Mr-59) Sites. Cultural Resources Management Report 4, Partners in Historic Preservation, Carbondale.
Webb, Paul A.
1987 Excavations at the New Massilon Site (11-Wy-44), Wayne County, Illinois. Research Paper 54, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
Wells, Christy L., George R. Holley, and William I. Woods
1993 The Doyle Site: A Late Prehistoric Keyhole Structure. Illinois Archaeology 5:291–296.
Wells, Christy L., and Joyce Williams
1985 Archaeological Investigations at the Doyle Site (11-FY-124), Fayette County, Illinois. Contract Archaeology Program, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.
Westover, Allan R., and David C. Dycus
1983 Report of Archaeological Reconnaissance for Illinois DOT Project TR 337, Wayne County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
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