

Your donation makes our mission possible

The Illinois State Archaeological Survey’s mission is to investigate, preserve, and interpret the archaeological heritage of Illinois within the contexts of long-term public needs and economic development through our scientific research, landscape preservation, public service, education, and outreach activities.

Current Fundraising Priorities

Right now, your gift helps fund our priority research projects: the Cahokia Research Initiative and Archaeology at Allerton.

Cahokia Initiative

For nearly a century, the University of Illinois has been researching Cahokia, a thousand-year-old urban center on the Mississippi that, archaeologists and Native descendants believe, dramatically affected the social history of North America, even into the colonial American era. Archaeological collections from Cahokia include the one-of-a-kind uncarbonized remains of Native foods consumed as part of Cahokia’s great 11th-century festivals. ISAS hopes to develop research partnerships with descendant Tribal Nations and participate in Tribal-led research on past foodways and food sovereignty.

To donate, you may send a check payable to the University of Illinois Foundation; please note on the check that your gift is in support of the Illinois State Archaeological Survey:

University of Illinois Foundation
P.O. Box 734500
Chicago, IL 60673-4500

Or make a safe and secure donation to ISAS online, through the University of Illinois Foundation, using the button below.


If you have questions about other ways to support the Illinois State Archaeological Survey, contact Senior Director of Advancement Erin Kirby at or 217-244-1901.